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122 Market Road
Epsom, Auckland, 1051
New Zealand

09 520 8272

St Cuthbert's Swim School – proudly teaching babies and children, and coaching adults from all around Auckland. St Cuthbert’s Swim School’s state-of-the-art pool facility offers an optimal learning environment with a dedicated Learners’ Pool to build confidence quickly. More assured swimmers graduate to the 25m, eight-lane Main Pool to perfect their technique.

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News for St Cuthbert's Swim School in Epsom Auckland

COVID-19- Temporary closure

St Cuthbert's College

With the evolving nature of the Covid-19 situation, the St Cuthbert’s Swim School will be closed to external swimmers/visitors from 6pm Friday 20 March until further notice.

  • The Swim School will remain open for St Cuthbert’s Girls up until end of Term 1 2020.

  • In addition, the School Holiday programme held at the Swim School during the Term 1 School Holidays is cancelled.

  • Your child/rens classes will remain in the booking system same day/same time upon our reopening.

  • All charges will be blocked for this time.

    We will maintain to keep you updated via Website and Emails.

    Thank you for your understanding and look forward to seeing you all again in the hopefully not too distance future.

    Most importantly please stay safe and well.